He’s Ready…
Yesterday JoJo and I drove down to Rockey’s Kennel in northern Utah (Keeper’s other home) from eastern Idaho where we spent the month of July at the base of the Teton Mountains. We had great fun up there but it was time to check in on Keeper and his trainer Gary Riddle and get ready to start the fall field trial circuit.
In just three weeks we will be leaving here for Kansas where I will be a panel member discussing the presidency at the Eisenhower Presidential Library in Abilene the evening of September 7th. Myself and two of my “partners in crime” from the Nixon era will share our personal experiences with some of our friends and the public for a couple of hours. I’m really looking forward to it!
From there we will work our way up to North Dakota to help out with a field trial there on our way to meet up with Keeper and Gary at Milo, Alberta for the Canadian National Open Championship beginning on the 24th of September.
Then I will take Keeper (Gary will head home to Utah) and I’ll handle him in the Canadian National Amateur Championship in Kitscoty, Alberta beginning September 30th. That gets us about halfway through the fall circuit with a few weekend field trials and two U.S. National Championships to go!
Keeper looked fantastic in training earlier today as the video below shows…