Back Out West
After a second winter of training with Amelia Baxter in St. Jo, Texas (and field trialing in Texas, Kansas, back to Texas, Tennessee, and Missouri) JoJo, Keeper, and I headed west for the Colorado trials. After placements in Texas and Tennessee, we were 3 points shy of finishing Keeper’s Amateur Filed Championship. We took care of that at the Rocky Mountain trial in Holyoke, Colorado where Keeper won the Amateur in brutal winter weather conditions. (See my blog: https://ponderosasprin.wpengine.com/keeper-afc). After Colorado we headed to Utah, again battling challenging winter driving conditions, especially across southern Wyoming. When pulling a 30′ travel trailer these situations become exponentially more difficult.
The first Utah trial was at the Lee Kay grounds just west of Salt Lake City and only two days after I got Keeper back to Gary Riddle, his pro trainer. I watched the trial with my friend, Cindy Marsh, who’s dog Piper was also being handled by Gary. A win in the Open would finish a championship for either Keeper or Piper. In the end, Piper won the trial, and Keeper finished a very close 2nd. So Cindy and I celebrated with a delicious southern seafood boil for dinner that night.
As much as I love the south and midwest, I sure feels good to be back out west!
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